Soil Penetrating Surfactant with Organic Acid Redistribution System 10 mg et 20 mg (tadalafil) Avis sur les Médicaments - Mis en ligne le 02 mars 2005 Avis favorable à l'inscription sur la liste des spécialités remboursables aux assurés sociaux en cas de dysfonction érectile marquée (absence d'érection ou érection ne permettant pas un rapport sexuel) chez les patients souffrant de :

General Details

OARS PS, Soil Penetrating Surfactant, is a combination of the university researched, field proven, and patented organic acid redistribution system (OARS) with a multi-branched penetrant chemistry. OARS PS controls soil water repellency while providing uniform soil moisture for a longer period of time.

• Removes humic coatings from hydrophobic soil particles
• Controls soil water repellency
• Provides superior soil moisture uniformity
• Increased length of activity in soil
• Improves water management efficiency
• Increases penetration of water
• Provides firm, fast surfaces
• Money back guarantee

Application Rates

Golf, Lawns, and Sports Turf

Apply 4 to 5 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (13 to 16 L/ha in 800 L) at 30 day intervals or as needed. After an initial 5 ounce (16 L) application, difficult to manage areas will respond best by applying 2 to 2.5 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (6 to 8 L/ha in 800 L) at 15 day intervals or as needed.

For increased surface firmness, apply 6 to 8 ounces per 1,000 ft² in 2 gallons of water (20 to 25 L/ha in 800 L) at 30 day intervals or as needed.

Irrigate with sufficient water to deliver OARS PS to the soil profile – 1/8 inch (3 mm) or more recommended.



Looking for more information on OARS PS or want to try? Contact us HERE or reach out to one of our distributors. 

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